Monday, August 10, 2009

Texas Bound!

It's 9:35 Monday night and Keith and Lauren are headed home! Can't wait... Their flight was to leave at 7:30 Eastern time, but they sat on the plane for over an hour and a half, waiting to take off. Keith was not happy and Lauren fell asleep!

We've felt very lost without you guys! Can't wait to see you.

Keith - I was sure hoping to see you on our anniversary, but it looks like I may not, since your flight was delayed. I'm sure glad we were married 18 years ago today. It's been a fun time with you, raising our girls. You're such a fine, Christian man and I'm so glad that God chose for us to be together. Looking forward to many more!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Keith and Lauren Back in the US

Last night (Saturday), Keith and Lauren arrived back in the United States from Africa. They said the plane ride was OK, which is great news from Keith since he and plane rides are not the best of friends!

They spent last night in Times Square and were amazed at the amount of people they saw! Today, I got a call before we left for church and Lauren wanted me to guess where they were...they were at the Statue of Liberty! The rest of their day was spent WALKING a lot, seeing Mary Poppins on Broadway, which they said was fantastic and taking a bus tour around the town.

Keith called tonight and said that Lauren fell asleep early...jet lag has set in! We miss them tons and can't wait until Monday night to see them.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Greetings from Ghana

First of all, I want you to know that it is cooler in Ghana than it is in Caddo!!! Isn't that strange. Things are good here. No one is sick or overly injured. The work is moving along at a quick pace. The biggest struggle for the Hopkins clan is missing american food. Lauren is already planning a trip to Snuffers when we get back and a bacon cheeseburger when we get to NY. Almost bed time here. Miss everyone and we will see you soon.


Monday, August 3, 2009

First Day of Work in Africa

I heard from Keith and Lauren today at 4:00 which is 10:00 pm their time. They had their first day of construction on the church today and Keith said that we would all be proud of Lauren - she worked extremely hard with all men and boys! That's my La!
Lauren said she also had an opportunity to meet some kids and interact with them, which was the part she was most excited about prior to the trip. Can't wait to hear how God works in her relationships with the African children.

The congregation now meets in a rented space, so construction of this church will enable them to have a church of their own. Construction there is, of course, much more physically demanding than construction here. The Africans insist on doing things "the hard way" - no equipment to make the job easier....just lots of physical labor!

They worshiped yesterday with the congregation and Lauren got to experience worship "African style!" Africans aren't bashful in praising the Lord! Keith, Lauren and the others also went to the market and were able to do some shopping for African treasures!

I'll keeping posting as often as I hear from them...thanks to all friends and family for your prayers.

Mark 16:15
He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation."