Friday, July 31, 2009

Keith and Lauren Arrive in Ghana

Keith and Lauren arrived in Ghana, Africa today after a 15+ hour plane ride through New York - pretty difficult for anyone, much less a 6'5" man! We're already missing them, hating to be separated as a family, especially because Lauren is not feeling well...ALREADY! I knew it would happen, but didn't anticipate it quite this quickly. Keith said it was either the spicy meal (everything there is seasoned with strange spices) or the bumpy car ride (she gets carsick easily!) Either way, her stomach is not agreeing with her. It's 7:35 pm there and they were already heading to bed - don't blame them one bit. I'll be sure to update the blog often on their church work and evangelism.

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

School Starts Soon


In looking through pictures on my laptop, I came across this precious picture of my girls and had to share it in our family blog. This was taken on the first day of school in 2005. Hannah would have been starting 4th grade, Lauren starting 1st and Rachel would have been 3 - attending Mother's Day Out! Time's so sad.

I really enjoy where my girls are now - their activities, friends, and academics are fun for us as a family. But I miss my young babies with their sweet faces, cute questions, and precious voices. As they continue to grow, I pray that Keith and I are giving them what they need to become lovely, Christian women, pleasing to the Lord.

School starts again in a few weeks. May we enjoy each year more than the last and always strive to honor God in all that we do.
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ma and Pa Hoppy Go to Mexico!

On Sunday, Keith and I left for a trip to Playa del Carmen, Mexico...just the two of us! The resort where we are staying is called Valentin Imperial Maya. Although we hated to leave the girls behind, it's been very nice sitting by the beach, swimming, reading, listening to our iPods, watching movies and sleeping! More than anything, it's been nice to spend some quiet, thinking time, observing God's beautiful nature and worshipping Him.

The food here has been interesting! Because it's a 5 star resort, the food is "fancy." They give you very small portions of food with very strange sounding names! We've been to a steak restaurant called Tierra, and a french restaurant called "El Alsace". Very odd food but the apple tart for dessert was the best we've had.

Of course, not all is well with the girls...nothing ever flows just right! Rachel is missing us and Lauren has had fever. Hopefully everything will stay OK with Hannah! We miss you girls so much and can't wait to see you on Friday. Many thanks to the O'Leary's, the Smith's and Jordan Hammack for being with our girls.

Below you'll see some pictures from our first two days here - we'll include more later.

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Laurens Africa money

Lauren has been trying to get all the money she needs to go to Africa. She has 20 more days left and has 2,800 dollars she needs 2,800 dollars and is ready to go.

Lauren in Gods house

This week my sister, Lauren went to Camp Gamp which is church camp with the 3rd - 6th grade. I bet she is having so much fun there. If all of you could keep my sister in prayers that would be great!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Money Raised for Lauren's Africa Trip - God is GOOD!

Lawn flamingos in their "natural habitat&...Image via Wikipedia

Today it's official...Lauren has enough money to make the trip to Africa! She's thrilled.

Lauren and Keith have been preparing for months for a mission trip to Africa July 30-August 10. This will be Keith's third trip and Lauren's first. Lauren has had a heart for this trip since she was 7 - the year that Keith and Hannah made the trip to Ghana. Now is her time!...

She and Keith will join Bud and Brayden Jones and Nathan and Isaac Green on the 10 day trip to Ghana. She's been doing a lot to prepare for the trip. She's made and sold more pies than we can count, she sent out approximately 50 sponsor letters to friends and family, and our funnest fundraiser involved flamingos!

We got the idea from my sister-in-law, Kris, who received a yard-full of flamingos herself. The idea is to place an enormous amount of pink, plastic flamingos in the yard of a family friend with a letter attached explaining the fundraiser. To remove the pretty flamingos, the family must pay $10.00. For $15.00, the family can also have the flamingos placed in another yard of their choice and for $20.00 the family can also have "Flamingo Insurance" so they won't be "flamingoed" again! It's been really fun to deliver the flamingos "in secret!"

With these fundraisers, Lauren has raised the $2,800 needed for the trip. Also, with the 5 shots needed behind her, now she waits for the packing....

Proud of your effort, Lanie and we can't wait to see how God will use your sweet spirit in serving Him in Africa.

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